
About Us


We are an online media provider of song lyrics as well as World guitar chords that are always up to date. We try to give the best and fastest.
http://chordguitarworld.blogspot.com tries to collect the latest song lyrics every day as well as perform regular updates on lyrics that have not completed chord or guitar key.


http://chordguitarworld.blogspot.com first aired in mid-2006 with the spirit of building the site / blog database lyrics of English and the most complete guitar chord.


The purpose of this site is for everyone to be fun and have fun with music and songs, playing guitar or piano and other musical instruments with friends or family easily without the hassle of searching the chord / key tone of the desired song.

Support and Social Media

To stay active, we need support from all of you, visit this site every day, comment on every song lyrics, share the lyrics of all social media like Google +, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.


You can also play an important role in the development of this site is to contribute to send the lyrics of the song or update the latest guitar chord through Send Lyrics page You can also help us correct if there is a lyric or chord that is less precise.
We say thank you as much as to the contributors who always do not want to be named


Contact Us

You can contact us via:

Email: akie.dyedyew@gmail.com
Phone: +6285319961529

We are also trying to add a collection of overseas song lyrics and you can see it here:

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